Where is good place for Pokemon Go! in Japan?

Do you like Pokemon? Pokemon Go had been launched this summer and many users are still playing and enjoying it all over the world. If you are a Pokemon trainer, you must want to catch the Pokemon (FARFETCHD) is only for Japan region.

So let’s check places where many Pokemon appear.

Around Tokyo


Especially the corner here. This spot has 6 poke stops at the same corner. This coner is near from the Big Cross so you can come here after take photos of it 😉



Here is famous as rare pokemon spot. The rare pokemon appears here constantly. e.g LAPRAS, PORYGON and so on. So you can find many pokemon trainer at here. Around this area is also sightseen spots, so you can see little statue of liberty, Gundam and so on.


Around Osaka


Here is also famous as rare pokemon spot. East japan has Odaiba, and West japan has Tenpo-zan. In my opinion, the rare pokemon appears here more than Odaiba. In addition, as you can see, there is a spot you can touch 3 poke spots.

The another spots you can go are Aquarium and big wheel.
