Let’s Eat Reasonable Japanese Food

You might have a stereotype that Japanese foods are expensive. it is not true actually. You can eat reasonable Japanese food at lunch time.

So I’m going to share reasonable Japanese foods restaurant that is called “Ohtoya”. You can eat it with a reasonable price any time you want. You might know this restaurant because this restaurant is deploying to overseas. In japan, there are around 300 restaurants so you can find it easily.

What can you eat?

Then let’s take a look menu that what can you eat. There is grilled fish combo, Katsu-don combo, Soba combo and so on.
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There is a menu that is half-and-half combo; Soba and Katsu. If you wanna est s lot or try a lot, it’s good chise to you.

You might be able to see, there are displayed calories and salt contents on the menu. it helps you care about your healthiness.

How much reasonable are these?

Precise are between $9 and $13. And you can choose large size of rice and type of rice; white rice or brown rice. This below is the large size brown rice.

My Favorite Reasonble Japanese Food

This is my favorite menu that is cooked chicken cutlet. It is volume enough and tasty. And also I can get vebetables.

Foods and dishes are very hot when it have served. So be careful before you eat.

Where Is The Ohtoya?

You can search with “大戸屋” on google map. So copy this word when you search it 😉