Mountain Of Roast Beef At Shibuya

Do you like beef? Of course, I like beef. I think everyone had imagined that I wish I could eat meat like a mountain some day. If so you must come to this restaurant when you visit Shibuya to make your dream comes true. The restaurant’s name is “Roast Beef Ohno”. They provide “Roast beef don”. “Don (丼)” means a china bowl of rice with something. For example, rice with beef equal Gyu-don. Rice with chicken and eggs equal Oyakodon.

So this time, Rice with roast beef that is called Roast beef don. Then here we go.


You can choose two menus; “Wagyu roast beef don” and “roast beef don”. What is Wagyu? It is bland beef.
Whichever both tastes are good. So this time, let’s try Wagyu one.
By the way, prices are like below.

  • Normal : ¥1050 + tax
  • Wagyu : ¥1500 + tax

Of course, you can choose their sides of rice. small, normal, medium, and large.

I have chosen the medium one.
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You can see that roast beef done and soup and two smaller white something. Left white cube is a cream cheese. Right one is Wasabi.

How to eat?

According to shut the stuff that how to eat is,
Firstly eat only a roast beef without any sources to feel the real taste of meat.
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And then mix the yolk and eat a meat with yellow.

Finally, you can eat as you want. If you want to change the taste a bit, you can use two white cubes or this salt.
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How is it eventually?

This is so good to me. After just one bite, taste spreading your mouth and you can feel harmony of sauces with meats. Meats are layered and are sarounding rice. You might be hard to reach to the rice because there are many layers of roast beef. So I strongly recommend you to eat once.


When you visit this restaurant, it might be hard to find the entrance. So find this sign.
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And then go down the stairs to the basement floor to get enter.