Should Read Before Buy Flight Tickets To Tokyo


Planning a trip is one of the exciting things a part of traveling. Thinking about What to bring, What to buy, What to do, Where to go, etc. When you decided to go to Tokyo, must read this before buying flight tickets.

Which airport is your destination?

Actually, Tokyo has 2 international airports.

  1. Haneda airport
  2. Narita airport

Take a look below an image. As you can see, those two are located very different places. Haneda airport is south of Tokyo. Narita airport is actually located at Chiba prefecture. If you can choose which airport you arrive, Haneda would be better because it’s near. But don’t worry. Narita might not worse than you thought. So let’s see comparing Haneda with Narita.


How to get to Tokyo Station?

There are many ways to get to Tokyo station.

Narita/Haneda airport to Tokyo station.

Nothing special, Both airports are same. These transportations are common in the world. The remarkable thing is Uber is not common in Japan yet haha.

  • Train
  • Bus
  • Taxi

How long does it take to Tokyo Station?

Haneda to Tokyo station is about 40 mins. Narita to Tokyo station is about 70 mins.

Haneda airport to Tokyo station.

  • Train : About 40 mins (Including connection and waiting time.)
  • Bus : About 25 – 40 mins
  • Taxi : About 25 – 40 mins

Narita airport to Tokyo station.

  • Train : About 70 – 90 mins
  • Bus : About 70 mins
  • Taxi : About 70 mins

How match is a ticket to Tokyo station?

This is very different. Haneda to Tokyo is about $6. Narita to Tokyo is about $30. The cheapest way to Tokyo from Narita is about $10. If you had been to Tokyo before or you’re good at Japanese, you can try cheapest buses. But it’s your first time to visit to Tokyo, Narita express is very easy and comfortable way.

Haneda airport to Tokyo station.

Narita airport to Tokyo station.


Check your flight tickets

How was it? If you still can choose the airport, Haneda seems to be better. If you’ve already bought flight tickets, check them out. Don’t worry if it’s Narita, you still can find a cheap way to Tokyo from Narita or can find good restaurants. Next time, I’ll feature about how to ride a cheaper bus from Narita or Food and restaurants. 😉